NATIONAL TECHNICAL REGULATIONOF SAFETY FOR ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENTNational technical regulation onsafety for electrical and electronic appliances1. GENERAL PROVISIONS1.1. ScopeThis technical regulation stipulates the requirements for safety and management requirementswith regard to electrical and electronic equipment are specified in the list in annex ofThis technical regulation. This list can be modified, added, cancelled accordingthe decision of the Minister of science and technology.1.2. application objectsThis technical regulation applies to organizations and individuals (hereinafter referred to asBusiness) manufacturing, importing, distributing, and retailing of electrical equipment, electronic scalein the Appendix of this technical regulation, state management bodies and institutionsorganizations and individuals concerned.1.3. Explanation of termsIn this technical regulation, the terms below are interpreted as follows:1.3.1. electrical and electronic equipment are devices connected directly or via Socketto the low voltage power supply, for use in the family, in trade and in thea similar use (not including medical equipment and telecommunications equipment).1.3.2. low voltage power source is the source voltage from 50 V to 1000 V AC andthe voltage from 75 V to 1500 V DC.2. SAFETY REQUIREMENTSElectrical and electronic equipment regulations in annex of the technical standardsThis technique must assure compliance with the national standards (ISO) compatibilityapplication as follows:2.1 power tool instant water heaters must be compatible with the provisions of ISO5699-2-35: 2007 (IEC 60335-2-35: 2005) household electrical appliances and similar electrical equipmentself. Safe. Part 2-35: particular requirements for quick hot water kettle.2.2 water and power tools contains hot water must conform to the provisions inTCVN 5699-2-21: 2007 (IEC 60335-2-21: 2004) electrical appliances and electrical equipmentsimilar. Safe. Part 2-21: particular requirements for storage water heaters with tanks.2.3 a hair dryer and other hair utensils must conform to the provisions inTCVN 5699-2-23: 2007 (IEC 60335-2-23: 2005) household electrical appliances and electrical equipmentsimilar. Safe. Part 2-23: particular requirements for appliances for skin care orthe hair.2.4 electric kettle must be compatible with the provisions of ISO 5699-2-15: 2007 (IEC60335-2-15: 2005) household electrical appliances and similar electrical equipment. Safe. Part 2-15:Specific requirements for equipment for steaming liquid.2.5 the rice cooker is in line with the provisions of ISO 5699-2-15: 2007 (IEC60335-2-15: 2005) household electrical appliances and similar electrical equipment. Safe. Part 2-15:Specific requirements for equipment for steaming liquid.2.6 electric fan must be compatible with the provisions of ISO 5699-2-80: 2007 (IEC60335-2-80: 2005) household electrical appliances and similar electrical equipment. Safe. Part 2-80:Particular requirements for electric fans.2.7 electric irons are in accordance with the provisions of ISO 5699-2-3: 2006 (IEC60335-2-3: 2005) household electrical appliances and similar electrical equipment. Safe. Part 2-3:Particular requirements for electric irons.2.8 the microwave must be compatible with the provisions of ISO 5699-2-25: 2007 (IEC60335-2-25: 2005) household electrical appliances and similar electrical equipment. Safe. Part 2-25:Particular requirements for microwave ovens, microwave combination.2.9 electric oven, electric Grill (portable type) must conform to the provisions inTCVN 5699-2-9: 2004 (IEC 60335-2-9: 2002, Adm. 1: 2004) electrical appliances andsimilar equipment. Safe. Part 2-9: particular requirements for grills, ovensbread and similar mobile devices used for cooking.2.10 the wire PVC has a nominal voltage 450/750V 1 d equal to and mustin accordance with the provisions of ISO 6610-1: 2007 (IEC 60227-1: 1998) insulated Cable withpolyvinyl chloride has a nominal voltage 450/750V 1 d equal to and. Part 1: General requirements,TCVN 6610-3: 2000 (IEC 60227-3: 1997) insulated Cables with polyvinyl chloride cellnominal voltage 450/750V 1 d equal to and. Part 3: cable without sheath for permanent installationdesignated, TCVN 6610-4: 2000 (IEC 60227-4: 1992, Adm. 1: 1997) insulated Cable withpolyvinyl chloride has a nominal voltage 450/750V 1 d equal to and. Part 4: armoured Cablesfor permanent installation, TCVN 6610-5: 2007 (IEC 60227-5: 2003) insulated Cable withpolyvinyl chloride has a nominal voltage 450/750V 1 d equal to and. Part 5: flexible cables (cords).2.11 water heaters power tools embed type must conform to the provisions inTCVN 5699-2-74: 2005 (IEC 60335-2-74: 2002) household electrical appliances and electrical equipmentsimilar. Safe. Part 2-74: particular requirements for electrical heat rods.2.12 the tea or coffee brewing equipment must conform to the provisions of ISO 5699-2-15: 2007 (IEC 60335-2-15: 2005) household electrical appliances and similar electrical equipment. Anfull. Part 2-15: particular requirements for equipment for steaming liquid.2.13 right hand dryer in accordance with the provisions of ISO 5699-2-23: 2007(IEC 60335-2-23: 2005) Household appliances and similar electrical equipment. Safe. Section2-23: particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care.3. MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS3.1. Conditions of circulation on the marketElectrical and electronic equipment when circulating on the market must have a tanglein accordance with the law on trademark; must be certified in conformity, carryingconformity mark (marked CR) according to the provisions of this technical regulation and inspectionon the market of the product quality inspection, the goods (hereinafter referred to asInspection Agency).3.2. Certificate of conformity for electrical and electronic equipment3.2.1 electrical and electronic equipment should be assessed, certificate of conformity according to the5 method "test and evaluate the production process monitoring,through the testing of samples taken at the place of production or in the market combined with highlyof the production process "is set forth in annex II of the" regulations on certificationconformity, conformity certification and disclosure standards, announced conformity "issuedaccompanied by decision No 24/2007/QD-BKHCN on September 28, 2007 of TheMinister of science and technology.Certificate of conformity assessments according to the method of effective value 5no more than three (3) years.3.2.2 case of electrical and electronic equipment imported under the shipment has not beencertificate of conformity assessment according to the method specified in section 3.2.1 of the 5 RulesThis technical standard must be assessed conformity certification under 7 "trytesting, evaluation, production of goods "are defined in annex II of the Rulesthe certificate of conformity, certificate of conformity and conformity, announcedcombination rules "attached to decision No 24/2007/QD-BKHCN on September 282007 the Minister of science and technology.Certificate of conformity assessments according to the 7 method is only valid for eachimports.3.3. conformity certification organizationThe certificate of conformity issued by the certification organisation is specified or isadmit made.The appointment of certificated conformity electrical and electronic equipment placedfollowing the provisions of circular No. 09/2009/TT-BKHCN on April 8, 2009the Minister of science and technology guidance on requirements, sequence, proceduredesignate the conformity assessment organization.3.4. the conformity markBookmark conformity and the conformity mark shall comply with paragraph 2 article 4the "rules regarding certificate of conformity, certificate of conformity and published casesstandard, announced the combination rules "attached to decision No 24/2007/QD-BKHCNon 28 September 2007, the Minister of science and technology.3.5. registration3.5.1. the producers of electrical and electronic equipment after it is certifiedreceived the conformity must sign a disclosure conformity in Physical measurement standards Bureauwhere enterprises registered sales of Italian as defined in decision no24/2007/QD-BKHCN on 28 September 2007, the Minister of science andTechnology.3.5.2. the import business of electrical equipment and electronics after been shownreceived the conformity must be registered at the Agency quality control checks as specified inCircular 17/2009/TT-BKHCN on June 18th, 2009 by Minister of scienceand technology guidelines procedures for quality control of imported goods.3.5.3. Registration documents include:A post k Italy announced the combination rules (for electrical and electronic equipment production in thewater) as stipulated in decision No 24/2007/QD-BKHCN on September 28in 2007 the Minister of science and technology; or a registered auditamount (for electronic and electrical equipment imports) as stipulated in the circular17/2009/TT-BKHCN on June 18th, 2009 by the Minister of science andtechnology;A product description (name, feature usage, parameters, after the basic techniques of ka, category or bills of materials, primary parts, etc.);Outer overall color photos, including images of: panoramic, front, sideon the side, and power plug (if applicable); trademarks (if any), tangle(Yes the motor specifications