Thaønh phoá caàn ñöôïc Chính phuû hoã trôï cho pheùp coù chính saùch c的英文翻譯

Thaønh phoá caàn ñöôïc Chính phuû h

Thaønh phoá caàn ñöôïc Chính phuû hoã trôï cho pheùp coù chính saùch cuï theå phuø hôïp vôùi quy moâ tính chaát cuûa thaønh phoá, taïo ñieàu kieän thuaän lôïi cho thaønh phoá coù theå huy ñoäng voán ñaàu tö töø caùc nguoàn khaùc cho lónh vöïc caûi taïo vaø xaây döïng heä thoáng thoaùt nöôùc cuûa thaønh phoá. Kieán nghò Thuû töôùng chính phuû caân ñoái ngaân saùch daønh phaàn ngaân saùch hoã trôï thích ñaùng cho chöông trình caûi taïo vaø xaây döïng Heä thoáng thoaùt nöôùc thaønh phoá, taoï ñieàu kieän thuaän lôïi cho Thaønh phoá coù theå thöïc hieän ñöôïc chöông trình, keá hoaïch ñaàu tö caûi taïo vaø xaây döïng heä thoáng thoaùt nuôùc thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh thoáng nhaát theo Quy hoaïch.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
City need Government support for a specific policy can select various regulation of tissue quality attribute of your city, create conditions of approval for the city can command the principal investments operations from another source to improve telecommunications and create construction system of exit the water city. Petition against the töôùng Government vehicle for dedicated budget budget section supports times for reform program to create and construction system of exit water city, taoï conditions of approval for the city can make are, if I create; and construction system of exit nuôùc Republic Chi Minh City most open under the plans.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
The government needed the City Assistance BE allow policy Yes Specific provisions tissue properties of conforming with the meetings of the City compound, to the approved eligible Creating benefits for the City Enables capital of VND promote investments from other sources for the Improvement Creating areas in cooperation SYSTEM Build and water exit of the City. Expected to Resolution of the secondary Thu tooung budget balance is connected Scale section like Naung Assistance budget for Improvement program Create and Build the City water exit SYSTEM, FINANCIAL eligible for the City to the approved benefits currently possible to do BE program, DESIGN Improvement investments PLAN Creating exit and fountains Build SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh City of transient least according to the plan.
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