Công việc đó là okay. Công việc không phải là khó khăn. Con người và môi trường là không quá xấu quá. Trả tiền là rất cao. Tất nhiên, tôi sẽ cố gắng để tìm một công việc tốt hơn. Nếu tôi tìm thấy một, tôi sẽ rời khỏi. (để lại từ bạn xa xa xa)
Work that is okay.The work is not difficult.Humans and the environment is not too bad too.Pay is very high.Of course, I will try to find a better job.If I find one, I'll leave. (leave from you far far away)
The work that's okay. The work is not difficult. People and the environment is not too bad too. Pay is very high. Of course, I will try to find a better job. If I find one, I'll leave. (leave far away from you)
This work is good.Work is not difficult.People and the environment is not too bad.Payment is very high.Of course, I will try to find a better job.If I find one, I'll leave.