To whom it may concern,
Japan Customs is sending this e-mail to NVOCC who have Reporter ID for Advance Filing Rules(AFR) on Maritime Container Cargo Information.
Japan Customs has operated Advance Filing Rules (AFR) since March 2014. Japan Customs is sending this e-mail to you to remind you that, when you intend to load your maritime container cargo on a vessel intended for the entry into a port of Japan, it is you, not anyone else, who are legally required to file cargo information (including accurate Master B/L number in the NACCS format) to Japan Customs at latest 24 hours before departure of the vessel from the port of loading, in principle.
Under the AFR, Japan’s Customs Law prescribes a penalty if you file no (or false) cargo information by that filing deadline. In accordance with the Law any maritime container cargo without advance information cannot be discharged on any port of Japan. Please note that it will not be applied only if follow-up actions required in the Law are taken. For your reference, please find the relevant provisions of the Law in the following web-site:
Please also refer to the following web-site, if you have any inquiry:
Finally, Japan Customs thanks for your continuous cooperation and understanding on this matter.
Sincerely yours
Japan Customs
※This e-mail was sent from a send-only address. if you have any inquiry, please refer to:
To whom it may concern,Japan Customs is sending this e-mail to NVOCC who have Reporter ID for Advance Filing Rules(AFR) on Maritime Container Cargo Information.Japan Customs has operated Advance Filing Rules (AFR) since March 2014. Japan Customs is sending this e-mail to you to remind you that, when you intend to load your maritime container cargo on a vessel intended for the entry into a port of Japan, it is you, not anyone else, who are legally required to file cargo information (including accurate Master B/L number in the NACCS format) to Japan Customs at latest 24 hours before departure of the vessel from the port of loading, in principle. Under the AFR, Japan’s Customs Law prescribes a penalty if you file no (or false) cargo information by that filing deadline. In accordance with the Law any maritime container cargo without advance information cannot be discharged on any port of Japan. Please note that it will not be applied only if follow-up actions required in the Law are taken. For your reference, please find the relevant provisions of the Law in the following web-site: also refer to the following web-site, if you have any inquiry:, Japan Customs thanks for your continuous cooperation and understanding on this matter. Sincerely yoursJapan Customs※ 從一隻發送位址發送此電子郵件。如果你有任何查詢,請參閱: HTTPs://