The lease is a sales-type lease because: (1) the lease term exceeds 75% of the asset’s estimated economic life, and (2) Moonstruck Company realized an element of profit aside from the financing charge.
1. Present value of an annuity due of £1 for
10 periods discounted at 10% 6.75902
Annual lease payment X £ 40,000
Present value of the 10 rental payments 270,361
Add present value of estimated residual
value of £20,000 in 10 years at 10%
(£20,000 X .38554) 7,711
Lease receivable at inception £278,072
2. Sales price is £270,361 (the present value of the 10 annual lease payments); or, the initial PV of £278,072 minus the PV of the un¬guaranteed residual value of £7,711.
3. Cost of sales is £172,289 (the £180,000 cost of the asset less the present value of the unguaranteed residual value).