MobiFone TANG NGAY 50% gia tri the nap tu ngay 12/12/2015 den ngay 13/12/2015. Ap dung voi the nap menh gia tu 50.000d tro len. Khuyen mai chi ap dung cho so thue bao 1219090985. Chi tiet goi 9090. Tu choi QC, soan TC gui 9241.
(QC) Hoan toan la su that! Goi dien thoai noi mang MobiFone HOAN TOAN MIEN PHI voi dich vu Witalk cua MobiFone. Tai sao khong xai thu? Truy cap de tai ung dung. Chi tiet goi 9090. Tu choi QC, soan TC gui 9241