1. Wish you: Phu QUY, 365 days/12 Fortune, 8760 hours, 525,600 minutes affluent successful 31,536,000 seconds everything as ...2. New year: a thousand times as Italy, ten thousand times as dreams, to the surprise of millions, billions of times happy.3. Song of Tan Van-the acclaimed veteran of sand walls-the whole family happy.4. New year new year coming. The procession was lucky. Presents immense cable. Every home no enough. Gold filled jugs. The family member. Young and old girls boys. Beaked happy. Pray your blessings. Loc to year round. Prosperous!5. Needs for full happiness. Complete package for loc member. Keep forever families. Phu QUY tight belts. The same wish as Italy. round for Ankang. Happy new year peace. Both are affluent.6. Today there are 3 people ask me about you and I helped them to look to with you soon. The names of the 3 people is happiness, prosperity and love.7. Provide good Tan. Great wall of peace. Boundless happiness. Constant fun. Earn more money. Happy like the first one.8. New year wish each other health and more. Money rủng rỉnh comfort. Happy family friends. Serenity entertainment every evening.