Ad-blocking tools are more popular than ever before, and this spells p的繁體中文翻譯

Ad-blocking tools are more popular

Ad-blocking tools are more popular than ever before, and this spells potential disaster for anyone who relies on ad revenue from their web site. Previously something only available to desktop users, the widespread hatred of ads saw the tools spreading even to iOS.

A while back Adblock Plus revealed that its Acceptable Ads program -- which gives users the options of permitting the display of certain non-intrusive ads -- would be independently overseen. Today we not only learn about the latest updates to the program criteria, but also how monetizing is possible.

The updated criteria are nothing out of the ordinary -- ads need to be sensibly positioned and not distracting, easily distinguishable from body text, and not exceed a certain size (this is a sliding scale dependent on position. Ever since the inception of the Acceptable Ads program, there have been fears that companies would be able to pay to be added to the whitelist. This is true to a certain extent, and the company explains:

We receive some donations from our users, but our main source of revenue comes as part of the Acceptable Ads initiative. Larger entities pay a licensing fee for the whitelisting services requested and provided to them (90% of the licences are granted for free, to smaller entities).

Whitelisting, the new documentation is quick to point out, does not allow people to ignore the criteria that have been set.

Co-founder of Adblock Plus, Till Faida said:

We always said that the Acceptable Ads criteria could change as the Web and advertising changes. Before we step back from them for good and hand the job over to an independent board, they needed a slight polish with things we've been working on for the past couple of years. Plus, we thought it was time to open up our monetization policies to the public, so that people can better understand how a free project like ours is financed.

This is just the opening salvo. We plan on releasing more information about how our company works in the near future, and are looking forward to seeing where ad blocking goes in 2016 when the Acceptable Ads independent committee meets for the first time.
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
Ad-blocking tools are more popular than ever before, and this spells potential disaster for anyone who relies on ad revenue from their web site. Previously something only available to desktop users, the widespread hatred of ads saw the tools spreading even to iOS.A while back Adblock Plus revealed that its Acceptable Ads program -- which gives users the options of permitting the display of certain non-intrusive ads -- would be independently overseen. Today we not only learn about the latest updates to the program criteria, but also how monetizing is possible.The updated criteria are nothing out of the ordinary -- ads need to be sensibly positioned and not distracting, easily distinguishable from body text, and not exceed a certain size (this is a sliding scale dependent on position. Ever since the inception of the Acceptable Ads program, there have been fears that companies would be able to pay to be added to the whitelist. This is true to a certain extent, and the company explains:We receive some donations from our users, but our main source of revenue comes as part of the Acceptable Ads initiative. Larger entities pay a licensing fee for the whitelisting services requested and provided to them (90% of the licences are granted for free, to smaller entities).Whitelisting, the new documentation is quick to point out, does not allow people to ignore the criteria that have been set.
Co-founder of Adblock Plus, Till Faida said:

We always said that the Acceptable Ads criteria could change as the Web and advertising changes. Before we step back from them for good and hand the job over to an independent board, they needed a slight polish with things we've been working on for the past couple of years. Plus, we thought it was time to open up our monetization policies to the public, so that people can better understand how a free project like ours is financed.

This is just the opening salvo. We plan on releasing more information about how our company works in the near future, and are looking forward to seeing where ad blocking goes in 2016 when the Acceptable Ads independent committee meets for the first time.
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
廣告攔截工具更受歡迎比以往任何時候的面前,這帶來災難的人誰依賴potencial廣告在共同收入從該網站。以前只提供給桌面用戶的東西,廣告傳播譚的普遍仇恨看到的工具為iOS。前陣子Adblock Plus的廣告可接受透露了其碩士課程-為用戶提供了麻行政法規的非侵入式廣告顯示某些選項- -將獨立的監督。我們不僅了解今天những更新程序的標準,如何貨幣化nhưng是IM可能更新的標準是什麼與眾不同的 -需要理智地定位廣告,而不是分散注意力,從正文容易區分,而不是超過一定規模(這是一個滑動的規模取決於位置,由於可接受的廣告方案成立以來,就được恐懼MA公司的薪酬要添加到白名單中。這是真正的在一定程度上, 該公司解釋說:我們收到了一些捐款,我們的用戶,但我們的主要收入來源是為主動廣告可接受的一部分,更大的實體支付許可費為白名單服務,以增加中國農業大學和如下:(90%的牌照是。當然是免費的,以較小的實體)白名單,新的文檔很快指出,不能讓人們忽略設置Màđược的標準。聯合創始人Adblock Plus的的,直到Faida說:我們總是說響起可接受廣告標準可能會改變,因為網絡和廣告的變化。鐘前後撤步加為好,手頭的工作交給一個獨立的電路板,需要一個輕微的拋光鐘的事情,我們一直在努力,在過去幾年。此外,我們認為這是一次開放給公眾我們的貨幣化政策,VIngười可以更好地HIEU如何像我們這樣的項目資助免費的。這僅僅是個序幕。我們計劃在發布有關我們公司在不久的將來如何運作的更多信息,並期待著在那裡印刷廣告攔截進入獨立,2016年川崎可接受的廣告委員會舉行會議的第一次。

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