Nhöõng naêm gaàn ñaây, Ngaân haøng Theá giôùi, Ngaân haøng Phaùt trieån AÙ Chaâu vaø caùc Nhaø taøi trôï quoác teá trong quan heä song phöông, hoaëc ña phöông khaùc … ñang laäp keá hoaïch hoaëc ñang thöïc hieän caùc Döï aùn rieâng cho töøng löu vöïc ñeå caûi taïo moâi tröôøng nöôùc ôû thaønh phoá HCM…, nhöng Qui hoaïch toång theå (M/P) heä thoáng thoaùt nöôùc thaønh phoá, môùi chæ ñöôïc theå hieän nhö moät noäi dung quy ñònh trong thaønh phaàn hoà sô cuûa caùc Ñoà aùn Quy hoaïch chung cuûa thaønh phoá ôû töøng thôøi kyø. Ñeå coù cô sôû thöïc hieän caùc Döï aùn caûi taïo töøng böôùc heä thoáng thoaùt nöôùc, caûi thieän moâi tröôøng nöôùc cuûa thaønh phoá moät caùch coù hieäu quaû, thoáng nhaát trong moät chieán löôïc chung, caàn thieát phaûi nghieân cöùu quy hoaïch toång theå heä thoáng thoaùt nöôc thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh moät caùch heä thoáng, toaøn dieän
Recent years, the world insured, insured Asian development and international support in the relationship song Governments, or other multimedia ... is established; or is performed by a specific projects for each store and to create local environmental reform in HCM City ..., but the General plans be Fiend (M/P) system of exit water city the new address is, can perform as specified in the content section of the records the conviction of general plans of Rules One city in each the. The facility to carry out reform projects to create each level exit system, improve water environment and city an effective way in a war, the result summary in General, need to research plans can exit the system of general rules nöôc Republic Chi Minh City an appropriate margin, respectively.

Those years nearly herein, the Bank Thea would be used, among Asian Development Bank funded Housing Chau and to the international cauc in the Us but the equation, the equation or other multifamily ... the currently made on the plan or the currently Perform Project made to each basin separately Creating environments To Improve City of HCM ou ... water! But Qui PLAN MIGHT total (M / P) SYSTEM water exit all cities, new Units are shown the content requirments such as one in harmony to component cauc Noa's number conviction Regulations PLAN General of the City of Interaction Periods OU. For an Perform facility Improvement Project Us Create Interaction step transient exit water, improve the environment of the City One way water Yes highest efficiency and transient least one strategic in general, studies of necessity must PLAN total MIGHT Us nooc exit transient Ho Chi Minh City of Us One way open, Inclusive