Hãy nhớ để xin để lại vắng mặt cho bốn giờ vào ngày thứ hai. Tôi đón bạn lúc 08:30 am đến 09:00 am. Chúng ta đi đến bệnh viện sớm và bạn có thể trở lại làm việc vào buổi trưa.
Remember to ask for leave of absence for four hours on Monday. I will pick you up at 8:30 am to 9:00 pm. We go to the hospital soon and you can go back to work at noon.
Remember to ask for leave absent for four hours on Monday. I pick you up at 08:30 am to 09:00 am. We went to the hospital soon, and you can return to work at noon.
Remember, in order to put the absent four to second days. When I picked you up, 8:30 went to 9. We're going to the hospital. You can go back to work at noon.