Tôi muốn đưa em đến bệnh viện vào thứ ba và thứ tư, nếu không mưa. Công ty đã đào tạo cho tôi trong thời gian ban ngày cho ít nhất là một tháng. Trong thời gian đào tạo, tôi sẽ không thể đưa bạn tới bệnh viện. Trừ khi chúng tôi có kỳ nghỉ cùng một.
I want to take you to the hospital on Tuesday and Wednesday, if not the rain.The company has trained me during the day for at least a month.During training, I won't be able to take you to the hospital.Unless we have the same vacation.
I want to take you to the hospital on Tuesday and Wednesday, if no rain. The company has trained me during the day for at least a month. During the training, I will not be able to take you to hospitals. Unless we stay the same.
I'm going to take you to the hospital, third and fourth, if it doesn't rain.The training time for the company is at least a month.At the time of training, I will not take you to the hospital.Unless we have a holiday.