Heä thoáng Haï taàng kyõ thuaät Ñoâ thò cuûa Thaønh phoá HCM ñöôïc xem laø khaù toát so vôùi caùc Ñoâ thò khaùc cuûa ñaát nöôùc. Söï phaùt trieån kinh teá vaø söï gia taêng daân soá cuûa thaønh phoá thuùc ñaåy taêng nhanh toác ñoä ñoâ thò hoùa, trong khi ñoù cô sôû Haï taàng ñaõ phaùt trieån khoâng kòp töông xöùng, trong ñoù coù Heä thoáng thoaùt nöôùc möa vaø nöôùc thaûi. Löôïng möa cao, bò aûnh höôûng tröïc tieáp cuûa cheá ñoä thuûy trieàu, do ñoù ôû nhöõng nôi coù cao ñoä maët ñaát thaáp, thöôøng bò ngaäp. Heä thoáng thoaùt nöôùc möa vaø nöôùc thaûi cuûa thaønh phoá ngay töø khi môùi hình thaønh, ñöôïc thieát keá laø heä thoáng coáng chung, ñaõ ñöôïc chính quyeàn thôøi Phaùp xaây döïng töø nhöõng naêm 1870, caùc chính quyeàn thôøi Myõ caûi taïo töø thaäp nieân 1950 ñeán naêm 1975. Caùc coâng trình thoaùt nöôùc naøy chæ ñöôïc thieát keá cho quy moâ 1,5 trieäu daân, phaàn lôùn ñaõ xuoáng caáp. Söï phaùt trieån vöôït quaù quy moâ döï tính ban ñaàu, vì vaäy trong muøa möa, moät soá nôi trong thaønh phoá ñaõ bò ngaäp luït nhieàu laàn. Nöôùc thaûi sinh hoaït vaø nöôùc thaûi coâng nghieäp thaûi tröïc tieáp vaøo caùc nguoàn nöôùc soâng, keânh, raïch, ao hoà maø khoâng coù nhaø maùy xöû lyù nöôùc baån. Chaát thaûi raén, sinh hoaït, saûn xuaát, thöông maïi dòch vuï … xaû baát hôïp phaùp vaøo caùc nguoàn nöôùc, vieäc naïo veùt caùc keânh raïch chöa ñaùp öùng ñöôïc yeâu caàu thoâng thoaùng doøng chaûy, coâng taùc baûo trì khoâng ñaày ñuû ñaõ goùp phaàn ñaùng keå laøm naëng neà theâm tình traïng oâ nhieãm nguoàn nöôùc vaø gaây ra muøi hoâi thoái. Chaát löôïng nöôùc ngaøy caøng xaáu ñi ñaõ aûnh höôûng nghieâm troïng ñeán moâi tröôøng veä sinh cuûa daân cö. Neáu khoâng coù bieän phaùp caûi thieän moâi tröôøng, toác ñoä ñoâ thò hoùa vaãn tieáp tuïc taêng nhanh … haäu quaû taát yeáu laø moâi tröôøng nöôùc seõ ngaøy caøng xaáu ñi ngaøy caøng nghieâm troïng hôn.
Technical infrastructure system municipality of HCM City is viewed as a grammar in comparison with other local open municipality. The economic development and an increase the number of people of the city increase fast speed discussion municipality, while the infrastructure facility which already receive your not collectively deserve the development, country and möa exit the system with General. Volume möa high, cow affects direct the peoples of thuûy mode, therefore in areas where there is high level of either open low, usually cow addiction. System of the country and General möa exit of the city right from the new party formation, while meant as a general coáng system, is the the Legislature Government construction from the years 1870, the Government collected under decades of inactivity I create from the Usa 1950 to 1975 year. Of the exit water only meant for transport over 1.5 million citizens, the majority have down. The regulation of tissue exposure to development proposition computer started, so you möa in, a number of the crib in the city is addiction flood several times. Local and general activities with general public access the source directly with general business for local stations, connecting, raïch, ao Republic without receiving your phone to handle water starts. General quality, firm, manufacturer, commercial services ... rinse illegal access the local source, the raïch channel veùt naïo not meet required detailed depositions thoaùng diarrhea, not complete maintenance agenda has helped significantly as financial mismanagement more exposure to and check the status of the source country and caused muøi hoâi. Water quality xaáu more days to have affects prohibits the disturbance to resident citizens of the hygiene environment. If no reforms and environment, the municipality speed up the combination between fast ... consequences all over the country is low will attend xaáu day possible date as the more important.

SYSTEM Infrastructure and technical HCM City's Urban THAT IS Proficient see aura compared with other cauc's Urban water of land. Economic development and yarn, artificial increase overall population of the City of foster rapid increase writing speed of Urban bill, while INFRASTRUCTURE HAS Nou development xoung not Kop interactions, wherein Yes SYSTEM MOA water and wastewater exit . The amount of high Moa, cow's receptionist Affects mode depleted hydropower million, due to higher Nou Yes OU places where low level for cash of land, usually beef addiction. SYSTEM exit Moa water and waste water of the City right from when the new OF ESTABLISHMENT, clear that the system is designed pipe of the general, the right to inclement weather Have been Legal Build Those years from 1870, the right to inclement weather cauc Create Americans from low-Annual Improvement Up to the year 1975. 1950 Public Works Cauc Units exit this water regulation is designed for 1.5 million inhabitants tissue, HAS larger downward the allocated portion. SOI development exceeds the initial count provided projected tissue, thus this in wet season, one number in all cities HAS cradle Flood several times. Domestic waste water and water waste Industrial waste directed at River water sources for, the channel, the canals and ponds do not have a home draw Mao Lyu courtroom camera to soil water. Solid waste, domestic activities of, Manufactured, commercial servic ... bad vaoo illegal sources for water, and canals WORK Act cauc veut BE Choa meets thoaung request a Concise Annual flows, interns work is full mainte not eligible HAS contributions significantly under the Jobs section To add status heavier polluted water sources and causes degeneration ten nostalgic. Caong days out to be bad water quality NI serious Affects Up to environments citizen resident's hygiene. If there are no variables is Benefit improve the environment, writing speed of Urban bill which will continue to increase rapidly ... Almost too disabilities mainly of water environments caong out to be bad days riding days will caong serious kiss.