Ñeå coù theå trieån khai caùc Döï aùn ñaàu tö theo quy hoaïch toång th的英文翻譯

Ñeå coù theå trieån khai caùc Döï a

Ñeå coù theå trieån khai caùc Döï aùn ñaàu tö theo quy hoaïch toång theå heä thoáng thoaùt nöôùc thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh tôùi naêm 2020 vaø nhöõng naêm xa hôn … laø caùc Döï aùn ñaàu tö thuoäc loaïi hình coâng trình haï taàng kyõ thuaät ñoâ thò, khoù coù theå thu hoài voán ñaàu tö tröïc tieáp töø Döï aùn, khoâng coù khaû naêng thu lôïi nhuaän tröïc tieáp, chæ coù theå töø caùc hieäu quaû giaùn tieáp do Döï aùn mang laïi, goùp phaàn ñaåy maïnh söï phaùt trieån kinh teá xaõ hoäi cuûa thaønh phoá, ñeå huy ñoäng voán ñaàu tö
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
To mining development projects may invest under the plans the total system can exit the local Hoa Minh City to fiscal year 2020 and recent years far kiss ... are investments projects is the type of image the public infrastructure technology municipality, he can collect direct investments from both the nostalgic project , no bypasses currency benefits direct nhuaän, can only result from effects due to exposure to the project with giaùn, helped the economic development healthy discussion of social city, to command the operating principal investments
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
To declare cauc Enables Project Growing investments according SYSTEM PLAN MIGHT total water exit Ho Chi Minh City of the coming year 2020 and beyond ... Those years cauc Project IS investments parishes of Public Works type of image and technical infrastructure system for Urban , nostalgic difficulty can record on the investment capital depleted from Project receptionist, do not have a profit-export Recording mode depleted receptionist, from cauc Units Enables the highest efficiency and indirectly by the Project to bring high, slide plays a very healthy economic development sauteed discomfort opportunities of the City, capital of VND To promote investments
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