Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh laø moät ñoâ thò coù quy moâ raát lôùn, laø moät trong nhöõng trung taâm cuûa caû nöôùc vôùi tính chaát ñaõ ñöôïc xaùc ñònh taïi nghò quyeát 01/BCT cuûa Boä Chính trò (khoùa V naêm 1992) : “Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh laø moät trung taâm kinh teá, moät trung taâm giao dòch quoác teá vaø du lòch cuûa nöôùc ta. Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh coù vò trí chính trò quan troïng sau thuû ñoâ Haø NoÄi”. Veà kinh teá, thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh laø trung taâm coâng nghieäp lôùn nhaát cuûa caû nöôùc, laø trung taâm khoa hoïc kyõ thuaät, trung taâm giao dòch thöông maïi – taøi chaùnh vaø dòch vuï, laø ñaàu moái giao thoâng thuaän lôïi ñeå giao löu ôû khu vöïc phía Nam, trong nöôùc vaø quoác teá
Peace Chi Minh City is a municipality have rules of tissue is left, Fibro Center of the country with quality properties defined in a Conference resolution 01/BCT charged politics (1992 V lock): "Republic Chi Minh City is a long-term economic centers, an international transaction Center and calendar of local tourism. Hoa Minh City has important political position after Haø million against the Text ". Economic, Hoa Minh City Centre of country largest business public, Centre Science Technology transaction Center, commercial-finance services, is the first approval of the detailed delivery attentional andbehavioural resources to communication in the district to the South, in the country and international standards

Ho Chi Minh City of IS one shall tissue raat Yes Urban Adult, Tuberculosis In these centers one to the nation with the calculated compound has been identified at the Resolution 01 / BCT's Department of the game (fiscal year V 1992): "° The Ho Chi Minh City of IS one economic centers, one transaction to the international centers and water's for tourists and us. Ho Chi Minh City of the game There are the important position after the capital Ha Noi ". About economic, Ho Chi Minh City of centers INDUSTRY IS to the nation's largest, aging science and technical centers, commercial transaction centers - of financial and services, old age benefits beginning of each of Transportation Thuaän To Affairs Portability OU southern region, in the water and to the international