Currently, Systech Eco Company received a lot of calls through counsel的繁體中文翻譯

Currently, Systech Eco Company rece

Currently, Systech Eco Company received a lot of calls through counseling solar system. The question is most interested customer: "The installed capacity of solar power system how much is enough for the needs of my family use; solar power system grid and how to ensure objective no electricity standard; installation costs for solar power systems can cost much for 1 KWP "

Systech eco Technical Department, said:

System Grid solar power system solar power conversion from solar panels into electricity hoists DC. This is a direct transmission to function controller toad converted into AC voltage with the voltage, frequency and synchronization crazy air directly into the national grid. This system meets all the criteria of the standard grid electricity safety device in your home network and power.

Currently, solar power system is grid storage system is best suited for use by households has been used in parallel with the national grid just do not worry about power outages. The system's advanced features Vietnam a priority before use solar power without power will offset the lack of achievement of national power.

Energy Audits | Energy Efficiency | Renewable Energy tao01

Principle diagram grid system with reserves

According to the database of solar radiation by NASA meteorological stations are used in the calculation of solar panels installed. Then in the North, solar radiation in the range of 3.8 to 4.3 kWh/m2/day, in the Central range from 4.5 to 5.21 kWh/m2/day, in the South about 4, 8 to 5.23 kWh/m2/day

So if your family in Hai Phong, 1kWp when mounting solar panels on average per day, this solar power system for a power of 3.2 kWh. If your family uses 500 kWh electricity / month, just installed solar system is 5.2 kWp enough (loss calculated on the device).

Package Installation costs for solar power system grid is used for data storage household, small office is 120-200 million / kWp including solar panels, the grid, the controller, inverter and battery charging. (Depending on equipment used)

With the initial installation costs are quite high, if your family is in town available national grid electricity supply, the drilling thinking of replacing entirely by solar energy.
Ideally you only need to install a small system 1000-3000Wp, used for lighting, computer, television ... can normally save substantial pay monthly electricity bills and contribute to environmental protection.

The solar power project for installation of households in the country
In Vietnam there at the mansion 72/1 Nhat Chi Mai, Ward 13, Tan Binh Trinh Quang Dung - has to produce about 6,400 kWh of electricity, the demand for electricity from family 42 solar panels.
Currently, Mr. Trinh Quang Dung, his family every month just to pay for electricity for power companies about 700,000, also the solar system he has installed power supply 250-300kWh / month. He said he was glad the outage never know whether electric power industry going again soon. Because most devices in the home such as TV, lights, fans ... are using solar power. Only air conditioning, water heating is the battery power for the national grid (EVN).

According to Dung's calculations, the use of hot water needs of the family, to cooking with solar energy to invest in a solar system of about 10 million. If the design capacity of solar power generation to triple his current home is completely "escapism" use the power of EVN.

The advantage of the solar power system at home is to be proactive power, clean energy, renewable. But the quality of electricity from solar power on par with the quality of the national grid - Dung affirmed.

Energy Audits | Energy Efficiency | Renewable Energy tao02

Mr. Trinh Quang Dung wash the solar panels to the sunlight they absorb better - Photo: Thuan Thang

He gave an example of installing a new device that allows air into the solar power grid. When solar power system provides 20% shortfall in electricity demand for the house "smart devices" this will automatically get enough power from the national grid to offset power shortages. If electricity from solar power system surplus equipment into storage in it, battery as a backup power

Home solar power system is Dung 2kW capacity, investment design costs about $ 20,000. But as he said, the current price is a little softer, maybe down about $ 2,000 compared to the time of his installation.

Mr Dung said that the initial investment cost for a solar power system is high, many families are not keen on using investment. So Dung's family still used the national grid to heat water, run the air conditioning. But he claims tend to use new energy sources, including solar, is inevitable.

In Hai Phong, Systech New Eco complete installation of grid connected solar power is 3060W and reserve capacity solar water heater 400L family physician at Mount Buffalo Pass, Thuy Nguyen, Hai Phong. Expected that this system will help reduce the average power consumption of 40% compared with non-use plans.

Energy Audits | Energy Efficiency | Renewable Energy tao03

Policies to encourage and support the development of solar energy.

Many countries have been working on this race. The European Community has completed a 600,000 solar roof and after 2020 will be declared for the introduction of "zero energy house" means the house of the building to ensure that power must not take from the power grid.

In Germany, nearly 300,000 solar roofs by 2020 and is expected to ensure the 47% renewable energy (wind energy, solar ...) to the total energy demand overall.

In China Sunshine program funded 50% of the estimated construction cost of solar power generation in rural areas, while in urban areas 30% funded.

Meanwhile, solar power which has potential in VN, in Germany must do twice as capacity in our country for solar power we are strong, plentiful. Therefore, if countries have policies to encourage and support the development of clean energy sources to reduce the burden on the current power sector and contribute to environmental protection.
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
目前,晶門科技生態公司收到很多通過心理諮詢在太陽系的調用。這個問題是最感興趣的客戶:"太陽能發電系統安裝的容量多少錢才夠需要的我的家庭使用 ;太陽能電力系統電網以及如何確保這一目標沒有電的標準 ;安裝太陽能發電系統的成本可以花費 1 KWP"晶門科技生態技術部,說:網格太陽能發電系統,從太陽能電池板的太陽能轉換成電能捲揚機直流。這是直接傳遞給函數控制器蟾蜍轉換成交流電壓的電壓、 頻率和同步的瘋狂空氣直接併入國家電網。該系統符合標準網格電力安全裝置在你的家用網路和力量的所有條件。目前,太陽能發電系統是利用由住戶曾被用在與國家電網並行網格存儲系統是最適合只是不擔心電力中斷。該系統的高級的功能越南前無電源使用太陽能發電的一個優先事項將抵消缺乏成就的綜合國力。能源審計 |能源效率 |可再生能源 tao01原理圖網格系統與能源儲備根據該資料庫由美國航空航天局的太陽輻射氣象站用於安裝的太陽能電池板的計算。然後在北方,太陽輻射範圍內的 3.8 至 4.3 千瓦時/m2/天,在中央的範圍從 4.5 到 5.21 千瓦時/m2/天,南方約 4 8 到 5.23 千瓦時/m2/天所以,如果你的家庭在海防,1kWp 時,安裝太陽能面板平均每一天,這個太陽能發電系統功率的 3.2 千瓦時。如果你的家人使用 500 千瓦時電力/月,剛剛安裝的太陽能系統是 5.2 kWp 足夠 (計算裝置上的損失)。太陽能電力系統電網的包安裝費用用於家用、 小辦公室是 1 億 2000 萬每 kWp 包括太陽能電池板、 網格、 控制器、 逆變器和電池充電的資料存儲。(取決於使用的設備)與初始安裝成本是很高的如果你的家人是在城鎮可用國家電網電力供應,鑽井替換完全由太陽能的思維。理想情況下你只需要安裝一個小的系統 1000年 3000Wp,用於照明、 電腦、 電視......通常保存大量可以支付每月的電費和對環境保護作出貢獻。我國家庭安裝太陽能發電專案在那裡的越南大廈在 1/72 Nhat 志麥,病房 13 譚平鄭氏 Quang 糞-已交出約 6.400 千瓦時的電力,從太陽能電池板 42 家庭的電力需求。目前,鄭氏 Quang 阮晉勇,他的家人每個月只是為了支付電費電力公司約 700.000,還他已安裝 250 功率的太陽能系統供應 — — 300kWh/月。他說他很高興停電永遠不會知道是否電動電力行業會很快。因為大多數的設備,如電視,在家中燈亮,風扇使用太陽能發電。只有空調,熱水是國家電網 (廣甯) 的電池動力。根據糞便的計算,使用熱水需要家庭烹飪與太陽能投資于太陽能系統的約 1000 萬。如果太陽能發電的設計能力,目前他家的三倍,完全是"逃避現實"使用 EVN 的力量。太陽能發電系統在家裡的優勢就是積極的力量,可再生的清潔能源。但從國家電網糞的品質與太陽能發電的電能品質的肯定。能源審計 |能源效率 |可再生能源 tao02阮晉勇鄭氏 Quang 洗太陽能電池板在陽光下,它們吸收好照片: 傑瑞米 · 唐他舉例說明安裝新的設備,讓空氣進入太陽能電網。當太陽能發電系統提供電力需求為房子"智慧設備"20%差額這將自動獲得足夠的力量,從國家電網來抵消電力短缺。如果從太陽能發電系統剩餘設備到存儲在裡面,電池作為備用電源的電力Home solar power system is Dung 2kW capacity, investment design costs about $ 20,000. But as he said, the current price is a little softer, maybe down about $ 2,000 compared to the time of his installation.Mr Dung said that the initial investment cost for a solar power system is high, many families are not keen on using investment. So Dung's family still used the national grid to heat water, run the air conditioning. But he claims tend to use new energy sources, including solar, is inevitable.In Hai Phong, Systech New Eco complete installation of grid connected solar power is 3060W and reserve capacity solar water heater 400L family physician at Mount Buffalo Pass, Thuy Nguyen, Hai Phong. Expected that this system will help reduce the average power consumption of 40% compared with non-use plans.Energy Audits | Energy Efficiency | Renewable Energy tao03 Policies to encourage and support the development of solar energy.Many countries have been working on this race. The European Community has completed a 600,000 solar roof and after 2020 will be declared for the introduction of "zero energy house" means the house of the building to ensure that power must not take from the power grid.In Germany, nearly 300,000 solar roofs by 2020 and is expected to ensure the 47% renewable energy (wind energy, solar ...) to the total energy demand overall.In China Sunshine program funded 50% of the estimated construction cost of solar power generation in rural areas, while in urban areas 30% funded.Meanwhile, solar power which has potential in VN, in Germany must do twice as capacity in our country for solar power we are strong, plentiful. Therefore, if countries have policies to encourage and support the development of clean energy sources to reduce the burden on the current power sector and contribute to environmental protection.
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
目前,晶門科技生態公司通過諮詢太陽系接到很多電話。現在的問題是山一感興趣的顧客:“太陽能發電系統安裝容量有多少是夠了我的家庭使用需求;太陽能電網系統,以及如何確保電力沒有客觀的標準;對於太陽能發電系統安裝成本可以花費不多的1 KWP“ 晶門科技生態技術部,說:從太陽能電池板系統並網太陽能發電系統,太陽能轉換電能轉化為DC葫蘆。這是一個直接傳輸到功能控制器為交流電壓轉換蟾蜍的電壓,頻率和同步的瘋狂進入國家電網特呂克空氣。該系統滿足您的家庭網絡和電源的標準電網的電力安全裝置的所有標準。目前,太陽能發電系統是網格存儲系統是最適合使用的並行使用ĐĂ與國家電網的家庭只是不擔心停電。該系統的先進功能越優先級之前是沒有權力將抵消缺乏國家權力的成果利用太陽能發電。能源審計|能源效率|可再生能源tao01 原理圖電網系統儲量西奧太陽輻射的數據庫由美國航天局氣象站在安裝太陽能電池板的計算中使用。然後在北,在3.8〜4.3千瓦時/ m 2 /天的範圍內,從4.5到5時21千瓦時/ m 2 /天的太陽輻射,在中央範圍,在南方約4,8至5時23千瓦時/ m 2 /天相比,如果口岸家庭在海防,安裝太陽能電池板1kWp KHI平均每天,該太陽能發電系統為3.2千瓦時的電力。如果你的家庭使用500度電/月,剛安裝的太陽能系統是5.2 kWp的夠(在計算設備上的損失)。軟件包安裝成本太陽能發電系統用於常規家庭數據存儲網格,小型辦公室是120-200萬元/ kWp的GOM太陽能電池板,網格,所述控制器,逆變器和電池充電。(PHUthuộc設備使用)在初始安裝成本相當高,NEU家庭在城裡國家電網電力供應提供,由太陽能更換全部的鑽井思維。理想情況下,你只需要安裝一個小1000-3000Wp系統,用於照明,電腦,電視......可以節省大量的商信支付每月的賬單電力和為環境保護做貢獻。該國的太陽能發電項目安裝的家庭在越南有在豪宅山一郗嘸靄72/1,沃德13 ,鄭氏廣阮晉勇新奧爾良-有陶電力,太陽能電池板的電力42來自家庭的需求約6400億千瓦時。目前,先生 鄭氏廣阮晉勇,他家每月只需支付電力電力公司70萬左右,太陽系,他已經cũng電源安裝250-300kWh /月。他說,他很高興停運永遠不知道NEU電力行業又快要。因為在家鄉山一新和成電視,電燈,風扇設備...使用太陽能發電。只有空調,熱水是電池供電的國家電網(EVN)。根據阮晉勇的計算,利用家庭的熱水需求,與太陽能做飯投資約10萬美元的太陽能系統。如果太陽能發電能力將增加兩倍他現在的家的設計完全是“逃避現實”使用EVN的力量。太陽能發電系統在國內的優勢是要積極主動電力,清潔能源,可再生能源。但電力來自太陽能發電質量堪與國家電網的質量-阮晉勇肯定能源審計|能源效率|可再生能源tao02 先生 鄭氏廣勇洗了太陽能電池板的湧吸收陽光好-圖片:順升他賜給安裝新的設備進入太陽能空氣町phépMà電網的一個例子。當太陽能發電提供的內部系統電力需求的20%差額“智能設備”,這將得到足夠的動力之恩國家電網以彌補電力短缺。從太陽能發電系統的電力設備是否入庫順差它,作為備用電池電源系統家用太陽能發電為2kW的容量容量,成本大約2萬美元的投資設計。但正如他說,目前的價格是有點軟,也許2000元左右下降到了SANH安裝的時候。阮晉勇表示,為太陽能發電系統的投資響起初始投資成本高,許多家庭都並不熱衷於使用投資。因此,阮晉勇的家庭仍在使用國家電網來加熱水,搖空調。但他聲稱使用新能源趨向,GOM太陽能,是不可避免的。在海防,連接太陽能晶門科技新生態完整的安裝電網是3060W和儲備能力,在太陽能熱水器400L的家庭醫生在登上水牛城山口,翠阮海海防。預計該系統將幫助減少Mà40%的平均功耗不使用SANH計劃。能源審計|能源效率|可再生能源tao03 。政策,鼓勵和支持太陽能的發展,許多國家一直在努力這場比賽。歐洲共同體已完成60萬太陽能屋頂和2020年之後將是引進宣博“零能耗住宅”再次指建築的房子,以確保Mà採取從電力班派電網。在德國,有近30萬太陽能屋頂由在2020年,預計將確保47%的可再生能源(風能,太陽能...)整體能源需求總量。在中國陽光計劃資助在農村地區代太陽能發電預計建設成本的50%,而在城市資助地區30%以上。同時,太陽能發電在VN potencial MA,德國必須做兩倍的容量,太陽能發電在我國我們是強大的,豐富的。因此,如果國家有政策,支持和鼓勵清潔能源,以減輕負擔對當前電力部門和環保事業貢獻力量的發展。

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