Do you la nen new workers over the cornering line I did not spend by 2 a man named Stone Roses man named tuyet ngang.mot suspected they were working on sewing ben chi Apply 2 crab
Y Kids Muon hoj Dam Director of the Board, La Cong Nhan Lam Vjec Toj Taj Cong Ty, Huong Luong lam De Zhu De Huong Luong Listen Hay? Noj La Thang Out, Officer Quang Ly Xuog A, Lau 2, Chj la Ve, Toj Chu Vo Lam Sang Vjec nguoj We Done Toj Flax Luong Thang Ha? mjnh Bjet Ton Khong Sao Bao Lam Ta In nguoj nguoj Ta Ton In mjnh Duoc, Va Phaj caj King GJ Supply Co. Mut Because of it, company senior staff Mjh Dj La Nua Thu Lay no worker hoj Aj making products? If you do thj Keu Bo Tu Lam Dj Can Can Toj GJ workers, from now on Sao Va anytime anywhere I do not want Chuyen Chu Cong Nhan Boj otherwise happen again
Co Nhung Le Nao Khong Phaj Voj Loj staff that happens I do not guarantee Xjn THJ company funds vuj Long considered.
Number of the overall 8533 performance, this October ngoc e contracted not blow borrowers obtain c e four children no sir sub-contract spending