How to face: - Reboot into recovery - Up rec TWRP - Restart rec -> systemp 3wipe + format (wipe data, wipe cache occu-, wipedavik cache, format system - Up Rom -> up gapps -> reboot machine. - In case of error, the root of this dow on up through the rec offline Tweaks: - On set set the display and button -> temporarily disable the wake few go. - On the Device Control (Enable the previous pt offline) -> More ... -> app manager -> disable NFC - Wipe data / cache Service google play and Chplay. (This is to delete the data of DV and CH) - Reboot into rec. Wipe Dalvik cache. (The goal is to at deepsleep) - How to look deep. In the control device -> Info offline. - No DC is a service then you wipe on the rec -> wipe cache davik - Set SELinuxModemChanger.apk (download file) -> confirm root -> open the APK to select the line below -> Reboot - > (The goal is to have 3g) Remove outer screen gg you do the following. - At home -> menu button to the right touch home button -> open a custom wallpaper, widgets, settings -> select the 3 dots that part was surfing on-site and off goes the Search Bar off - Use greenify 5.0 function and system hibernation. no need to spend xpose still rom Information: - Rom is from Bisspop v1.2 port. - Youtube ok - ok Gps - Full wave - no fc Camera - Has to be deepsleep and pin wait no longer a problem. - Battery use ae the same test with me - the new music player. - Tested on his F240K P / s: Tks you for your interest