Töø sau 1975 ñeán nay, Ñaûng boä, hoäi ñoàng nhaân daân, UÛy ban nhaân daân Thaønh phoá vaø cô quan ban ngaønh caùc caùc caáp ñaõ heát söùc coá gaéng taäp trung noã löïc cuøng vôùi nhaân daân duy trì, caûi taïo, naâng caáp vaø xaây döïng môùi Heä thoáng Haï taàng kyõ thuaät ñoâ thò noùi chung vaø Heä thoáng thoaùt nöôùc, veä sinh moâi tröôøng ñoâ thò noùi rieâng, nhöng do khoù khaên veà voán ñaàu tö, veà naêng löïc quaûn lyù vaø moät soá trôû ngaïi khaùch quan … keát quaû ñaït ñöôïc vaãn chöa ñaùp öùng ñöôïc ñoøi hoûi thöïc teá phaùt trieån cuûa Thaønh phoá
From then after 1975 to the present, the democratic coordination, Party, individual Committee by democratic city and the Central Committee of the agency level is place health concentration effort along with individual citizens to create, improve, maintain lift level and new infrastructure system construction technology municipality generally and exit the water environmental hygiene, municipality says, but due to problems on both the principal investments, to enforcement officers manage and function return number ngaïi not ... the result fails there have not yet been credited to actual development of city

From after 1975 until now, Naung adapter, citizen staff council, the City People's Committee on the balcony and she has run out sector The cauc cauc granted HEALTH focuses Focusing devote its efforts together with the maintenance staff citizen, Improvement Create, Upgrade the and Build new and technical SYSTEM Urban Infrastructure general speaking and exit SYSTEM water, hygiene Urban environments speak separately! But due to difficulty about the towel on the investment capital, about our ability, and a new management for the number turned out ngaii Guests ... the result meets Choa still be attained BE Economics Requires developmentally engage the City of