Tôi biết tôi nói rất nhiều lần nữa. Có lẽ, bạn thậm chí không muốn đọc. Tuy nhiên, tôi vẫn còn có thể nói và làm cho bản thân mình rõ ràng đối với bạn. Tôi không thể ép buộc bạn như tôi hay yêu tôi. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn không cảm thấy giống như tôi. Không làm tổn thương cô gái thực sự chăm sóc về bạn và tình yêu bạn.
I know I talk a lot again.Perhaps, you do not even want to read.However, I still have to say and make myself clear to you.I can't force you to like me or love me.However, if you do not feel like me.Don't hurt the girls actually care about you and love you.
I know I talk a lot again. Perhaps, you do not even want to read. However, I still have to say and make myself clear to you. I can not force you to like me or love me. However, if you do not feel like me. Do not hurt the girls really care about you and love you.
I know I've said many times.Maybe, you don't even want to read.However, I can still say, let me tell you clearly.I can't force you, I still love me.However, if you don't like me.Will not hurt your daughter really take care of you, love you.